Each week we feature the story of a military spouse on our blog in our Spouse Story Series.  Young or old, from newly married to veteran spouses, we have and will continue to share the collective voice of our community.

ready to share your truth? 

In your words, let's tell the world why military spouses are so resilient, magical, smart, creative, freakin' rockstars . . . you get the idea.  Get started >>


"I am a Soldier and military spouse. Every time our family moves, we start over. I have to introduce my business to new people often.  I love seeing new faces and I love that I can take my business anywhere." -Kiowana Phillips, Wonder Woman Fitness

"[As a military spouse] I get to live all over the world and experience life in so many different cultures.  I get to make new friends and develop new passions every couple of years, and I now have friends scattered all over the globe.  My children get to experience SO much of life that I didn't have growing up." -Carmen Westbrook, Aina

Having been active duty, [and now being a military spouse] really gives you a greater appreciation for those who have to be at home when their loved one is gone. It really has provided me with a full circle clarity on the military life." -Alvin L. Tatum Jr., A. Tatum Photography

“Being a military spouse is a continual self-actualization process. Every time we move, every time our spouse changes jobs, it’s a test of our true character. What are we made of and how do we handle ourselves in stressful, difficult situations? Will I crumble or will I conquer?”
— Amy Rowland, Play Across America

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"Since I'm a military brat AND a military spouse, I think I have a unique perspective. I was raised to be independent and resilient, but perhaps being a military spouse has taken that to the next level. I'm a champion lawnmower, handy[wo]man, accountant, planner, and house shopper. I think I'm more organized as a military spouse than I might have been otherwise!" -Beth Jones, The Float Spa SF


"As a military spouse, you learn to be a number of things very quickly. You learn to adapt, to be flexible, to be creative, to be independent and to be strong. In the almost three years we have been married, my husband and I have been apart for almost half of that. Although I hate the time we have been apart, I credit it to my self growth. Time apart has challenged me in ways I would have never experienced had we been together. Time apart has allowed me to become stronger more than anything, and has really contributed to the growth and success of my business. I am more confident in myself than ever before and I tackle challenges in my business head on." -Elizabeth Beck, Gold Bud Designs


"I am an Army spouse, going on 14 years (and 9 PCS moves), and mom to two #milbrats who keep life energized and on the go! I started out my professional career as a child development specialist for Army MWR but after 10 years of moving around as a military spouse had to get creative with a way to find fulfillment and income that meshed well with the transient and unpredictable military lifestyle. Military. Families. Fitness. Start Ups. That's my jam." -Erica McMannes, MadSkills


“Don’t let obstacles such as PCS moves and deployments become anymore of challenge than they are. Utilize some of the free time from those challenging times to work on your business.”
— Krystel Spell, Army Wife 101
“I’m a lot more patient and perseverant than I knew I was. Owning your own business can take a lot of time and hardwork before you get anywhere, but after 10+ years I still haven’t given up trying to get to where I want to be.”
— Tiffany Maxey, Tiffany Joyce Photography